Weakness in the USD and CHF to end our trading year, have a great Christmas and New Year, look forward to a great trading year in 2021 – Currency Strength and Weakness for Friday 18th December 2020

Hi Forex Trader,

Today will be our last post for the year. We’re taking a break for Christmas and the New Year and the next post will be on Monday 11th January 2021. On behalf of everyone at TFTC, have a great Christmas and we look forward to seeing you back here in January.

I make my Currency Strength and Weakness suggestions every day based on where I see the market heading over the next 24 hours. Use my analysis below to aid your trading and to help you keep on the right side of the market.

For The Forex Trading Coach clients, login here https://theforextradingcoachcourse.com/ to get your exact entry and exit points for today’s recommended pairs.

Overall there is strength in the EUR and AUD, with minor strength in the GBP and NZD

Overall there is weakness in the USD and CHF, with minor weakness in the CAD