
Would you like to turn your trading around?

In this weekly video:
00:24 – How can we help you with your trading
01:15 – 2 live webinars for you to attend and learn from
02:16 – A discounted joining link after the webinar
02:34 – 2 lucky attendees will be win a free place on our course
03:33 – Valuable trading information for you – register using the link on this page

Why is your training not going so well, and how can I help turn that around for you? Let’s talk about that and more right now.

Hey, traders. Andrew Mitchem here, the owner of The Forex Trading Coach video and podcast number 293.

Now, I want to talk all about why your trading is not going well. How can we help you with that? Also, at the end of this video and podcast.

How can we help you with your trading

I’m going to give you two very exciting bonuses, but more about that shortly. With trading, you’re all here to make money, yep? That’s why we’re trading. We’re trying to be profitable as Forex traders. Now, you know the stats. You see them all over the place. Some 90% to 95% of all Forex traders supposedly don’t make money, and you’ve got to ask yourself, “Why is that?” What is it that you’re doing differently, or more importantly, the 10%, 5% to 10% who are making money, what are we doing differently? And, how can you gain some of that knowledge so that you can join the 5% to 10% who are making money?

So to help you with that, I’m going to be holding two webinars, two live webinars, with Paul Tillman, who works with me. He’s over in North Carolina in America.

2 live webinars for you to attend and learn from

We’re going to be holding two webinar sessions together with myself and Paul on that webinar, on those webinars, and they’re going to be on the 17th and the 25th of October. Now, I’m going to put a registration link to the page below this video, and on that I’m going to ask you one very simple question: What is the main thing that’s preventing you from being a profitable trader? What’s your biggest problem when it comes to trading? On that session, we’re going to be answering those questions live to personally help you overcome those issues. So, it’s really important that you try to get onto one of those sessions. At least register, so if you cannot attend live you get to watch the recording, and we’ll answer those questions personally for you to help you with your trading.

Now, I mentioned earlier there’s two bonuses. The first bonus is for everybody who attends the webinar or watches the recording, so basically everybody who registers.

A discounted joining link after the webinar

 We’re going to give you a time-limited offer to join us at The Forex Trading Coach for a discounted fee. That’s the first thing. The second thing is, which is really exciting and I’ve never, ever done this in almost 10 years of coaching, is on each of those two sessions.

2 lucky attendees will be win a free place on our course

I’m going to be giving one lucky person access for our full course completely free. It’s going to be drawn live on the session, so if you’re live on one of those two webinars, each of the webinars, so there’s two free courses, one on each, completely and utterly no charge, free of charge, for you to get onto our five-star rated coaching course.

We’re going to be drawing that live on the session at the end of each of those two sessions. This is something, like I mentioned, it’s never been done before. It’s two and a half thousand U.S. dollars’ worth of value, which is our normal full joining fee. Completely for free for two lucky people. Make sure you register for one of those webinars. Make sure that you send us your question, the biggest thing that’s holding you back from being profitable, and make sure you get on there live. So, look, these are going to be great sessions. They’re going to be just myself and Paul. We’re going to have our charts on screen.

Valuable trading information for you – register using the link on this page

We’re going to be sharing our knowledge and our information, completely free of charge for you to help you become profitable and a better trader.

So, don’t forget to register using the link, which will be below this video, and I look forward to seeing you on one of those two live sessions.
