What Makes a Good Forex Trader?



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#497: What Makes a Good Forex Trader?

In this video:
00:23 – Pre-flight completed and ready to fly 
00:53 – Hard work and dedication needed
01:45 – Learning to fly is hard, but incredibly rewarding
02:09 – The best student ever
03:40 – Getting yourself trained
04:35 – The TFTC Coaching Course

What makes a good forex trader? What characteristics do they have that you could learn from? So you two can become a good trader. Let’s talk about that more right now.

Hey, the traders Andrew here at the Forex Trading Coach video and podcast number 497.

Pre-flight completed and ready to fly 

As you can see here, I’m out at the airport just a preflight ready to go for a flight very shortly. And what does it make this podcast and video out here? Because yesterday I was talking to Etienne Crete, who runs a really good Traders podcast. And on it

We discuss what characteristics make a good trader and can someone learn those or is it just something they just happen to be born with that makes up your character? And so I said to Etienne that it’s really important that you’re quite a thorough type of person in many ways.

Hard work and dedication needed

And I was quite fortunate in some ways that I was born on a dairy farm where you have to go and milk cash twice a day.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Christmas, your birthday, you’re feeling ill, you know, the sun’s out, raining and snowing doesn’t matter. You have to go and do that seven days a week. You get no choice. And so being brought up on a dairy farm or anything to do with looking after animals or children and things like that when you cannot get away is a big characteristic.

And I think that makes a good person who is going to be good for trading the forex market. And likewise, I’ve always done a lot of martial arts and judo and karate, and same thing with that. You’ve got to have that respect, that discipline, that hard work ethic, and you realize that it’s not as easy as it’s made out to be.

But you also realize that if you do put that time and effort and dedication into things that the results are just incredible.

Learning to fly is hard, but incredibly rewarding

And it’s no different with this helicopter behind me here. You know, ten years ago, if you said, first of all, I own a helicopter, will even be able to think about flying it, then I thought you’d be crazy.

But with some time, dedication, hard work, effort and commitment and investment, it’s happened. And here it is behind me now.

The best student ever

It’s it’s no different to trading the amount of people that come to me and go, I’m just going to be your best student ever. I’m going to join your course and I’m just going to be the best student ever.

And they don’t join the course and they go off and do something else, you know, because there’s no real effort or commitment that and it’s incredible how often that happens, because for some people, like actually joining a course is just too hard. You know, they’ve got to learn something, get it, got to give up a bit of time to dedicate to actually making this work.

Whereas everybody seems to want the quick fix and the easy answer and you know, they go to forum sites and various other video sites and just think that they’re going to find the free answer and the Holy Grail there. The bad news is you’re not. So you do have to put some effort in. Now, I’m going to see if I can move this camera around.

Well, I’ll show you inside here, because, look, I’m not exactly mechanically minded, but I have to know all about this hydraulic system in here. I have to know about this turbine in here. You know, I have to know about the weather. I have to know about the law. I have to know about them. So I’m not doing a very good job of this.

I have to know about all these different things here. The mechanics of flying, aerodynamics and then all that I have to do even before I get inside the machine and even like get to start it. So this there’s a whole procedure you have to go through and the whole checklist you have to go through before you start. So there’s all these things that you have to do.

If you look inside here, I’m trying to see if I can show you inside the machine the amount of levers and buttons and dials and things in here. It’s it’s huge. And you know what’s going on in here.

Getting yourself trained

So you have to learn this properly. So to do that, you have to go and get yourself trained and know what you’re doing. Otherwise it’s complete dangerous and it’s that’s not going to happen. Trading’s exactly the same and you’ve got to put that time, effort, commitment into it and and learn what you’re doing properly. So I just wanted to, I suppose, make that comparison really, if you want to do it. Yeah. Anybody can learn how to trade. Just depends on how committed you are to doing it.

Properly dedicated you are to investing in yourself and learning a skill that like all things, if it was that easy, everybody would be doing it. No different to flying this helicopter, no different to teaching karate here is that easy? Everybody would do it. But the rewards, if you want to do it and you dedicate yourself to doing it properly, are enormous. Flying is the same, nothing beats it and trading’s the same. There’s nothing that beats it.

The TFTC Coaching Course

So look I put a link to our course if you are interested. We’ve been doing this for nearly 14 years, getting close to 4000 clients in 101 countries. And we know what we’re doing because it works. And it also doesn’t commit you to sitting at yours charts all day because we can go and do things like this.

So that’s it for now. I’m just going to finish this video. You know, I’m finished on a pre-flight and off for a fly. I see you next week, bye for now

Episode Title: #497: What Makes a Good Forex Trader?

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