We’ve Won The Best Forex Mentorship 2020 Award



#368: We’ve Won The Best Forex Mentorship 2020 Award

In this video:
00:28 – TFTC Wins the Best Forex Mentorship 2020 Award
01:15 – Making trading work for our clients
02:32 – We celebrate our 11th birthday – don’t miss out on our sale
03:36 – Proud to have been coaching for 11 years
04:34 – A very quiet trading week
05:09 – Looking forward to a good trading month in June 

Today, we’ve just won the award for the number one best Forex mentorship programme online for 2020. I want to talk about that and more right now.

TFTC Wins the Best Forex Mentorship 2020 Award

Hey traders, Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 368.

And that’s right today, we have been awarded for 2020, the number one best Forex mentorship programme online. We’re very, very proud of that. Very thrilled to have won that amongst a group of other very good online companies. It’s been awarded to us by the bestonlineforexbroker.com website, and I will put a link to their award with their top ranked Forex mentorship programmes for 2020 on this page. A big achievement. It’s taken a lot of hard work and dedication on our behalf to get there, but also it’s the reward for the hard work that goes in to ensure that the trading works for our clients.

Making trading work for our clients

Now, ultimately, that’s what we’re about as a mentorship programme, we’re about imparting our knowledge and our education to other people who are out there wanting to learn how to trade and how to do it well. So as a result of this award, I got in contact with the owner of the website, Edward, and I said to Edward, “Look, why have you created this programme? Why have you created this website? What is it all about?” And he said to me, “Look, Andrew”, he’s been involved in the Forex market for a number of years. And he said, “I was just fed up with the amount of scams out there, the amount of just utter rubbish or garbage, whatever you want to call it, out there in the Forex market.” And he wanted to do something about it. So he’s created the website, the bestonlineforexbroker.com, and on that he ranks different brokers, and also different online education companies, and of which we were the number one ranked for this year.

So very, very pleased with that. So go and have a look at that site. Like I said, there’s a group of really good, honest, quality education companies on there. And we are one of those, but fantastic from our point of view to win the first place. So very, very happy with that.

We celebrate our 11th birthday – don’t miss out on our sale

So that leads on to something that we are holding right now. When you get to watch this video and podcasts, it will be this week. It is going to be on the 3rd of June. For me in New Zealand, starting, could be the 2nd of June if you’re in Europe or the US. Now we are holding our 11th birthday sale. So every year on our birthday, we hold a sale where I give a really good, massive discount on the course itself. Now this year, we’ve just delayed it slightly because we’ve just been spending the last few weeks updating and upgrading our membership sites. So now it’s a great opportunity for you to jump on board. We’ve just gone to new membership software, makes the whole joining process even more smoother, and the actual site itself is a new and improved look as well.

So we’ve just delayed the sale by a few weeks, but it’s going to be this week, second or 3rd of June, depending on where you live in the world. It’s going to be a 12 hour sale and the starting price is going to be absolutely crazily low.

Proud to have been coaching for 11 years

But yeah, look, we’re really proud to have been in the industry for 11 years. Looking forward to many, many more years to come and to helping many thousands and thousands of traders still to help people become profitable. We’ve got actual clients who have joined the course in 88 countries around the world, and again, we’re very proud of that achievement. It’s something that’s not easy. It’s a lot of time and dedication to help people, but also just shows the structure that we’ve got in place, and how it is really working and changing the lives of so many people who are interested in trading the Forex market.

So have a look at the number one award. Also have a look at the 11th birthday sale that’s on this week. It’s just 12 hours. Get in early because the price will start low and will be increasing all of the time. So that’s it from me this week. I’ll be back next week with actual trading information and news for you.

A very quiet trading week

It’s been pretty quiet on the charts this week. Been a very quiet week. So not a lot to report on the actual currency charts this week. I’ve probably taken less trades this week than I have for a long, long time, but that’s just the market. When the market’s quiet, you just take less trades don’t force trades. You have to trade what the market is giving us at the time. We’ve had February and March, and good part of April, where there was just ridiculously high number of very, very good profitable trades. The last week or so has just been a little bit quieter at the end of May, but we know in the Forex market that that will change.

Looking forward to a good trading month in June 

June likely is still going to be a fantastic month. So great opportunity, great timing for you to join us if you’d like to.

So I’ll see this time next week with more trading tips and information,.this is Andrew Mitchem, the Forex Trading Coach. Bye for now.

Episode Title: #368: We’ve Won The Best Forex Mentorship 2020 Award


Best Forex Mentors 2020 Click Here

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The 30 Minute Trader Trip

Watch how Andrew made a +12.79% gain on a live account during 4 weeks while trading for just 10-30 minutes a day while on holiday in the UK and France.

