Trading in a Covid World, plus a 7.5% Account Gain in a Day



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#429: Trading in a Covid World, plus a 7.5% Account Gain in a Day

In this video:
00:25 – Everything’s changed with Covid over the past 18 months
01:00 – Debate around masks, vaccines, lockdowns and passports
02:28 – Where to from here?
03:48 – Most issues disappear when you trade Forex
04:50 – Trader makes +7.5% gain in a day
06:00 – Are you looking for a good Forex broker?
07:15 – Send me your questions
07:31 – Feel free to share the video and podcast

We’re now traders in a COVID world. What does that mean for us as traders going forward, and how can you take advantage of it? Let’s talk about that a more right now.

Hey traders, Andrew Mitchem here, the Forex trading coach with video and podcast number 429.

Everything’s changed with Covid over the past 18 months

Well, obviously the last 18 months or so everything’s changed for virtually everybody, it doesn’t matter where you live in the world with COVID and all the effects of that. And it got me thinking about trading the Forex market and how good it really is and what advantages that we have going forward. I wanted to share some of those with you. And this is for you, it doesn’t really matter where you live in the world, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a business owner, an employee, or an employer. Let me explain what I mean.

Debate around masks, vaccines, lockdowns and passports

So right now there’s obviously a lot of debate around the world with masks, with vaccines, with vaccine passports, lockdowns, all those things are still going on, and depending on where you live in the world, different countries, slightly different rules. Here in New Zealand, we’re still in lockdown mode. I have no idea why, but we still are. It’s badly, badly affecting so many people business wise, emotionally wise, it’s not good.

And so if you’re, let’s say you’re a landlord and you own a shop in a town somewhere, anywhere in the world. So obviously, over the last 18 months, it’s been lockdowns virtually everywhere, and as a landlord that’s going to be pretty tough ind going forward, that’s going to be pretty tough because less and less people probably wanting to have cafes and shops, et cetera, in towns.

And so as a landlord, what do you do? If you’re the business owner, if you own the shop or the cafe or whatever it might be business in town, you’ve had lockdowns, you’ve had people not coming into work, and so you’ve had that issue. If you’re an employee and you work those places, then obviously, for a lot of you, if you cannot work at home, you’ve been badly affected as well.

Now if that’s what’s happened, and we can’t change a lot of that, but let’s have a think about going forward from here.

Where to from here?

Let’s face it, most people don’t like wearing masks. Personally, I think they’re horrible things. I’m very lucky I work from home and I hardly ever have to wear one. Now if you’re the sort of person, if you’re an employee, you’re now going to be having debates over masks, wearing them all day, and now vaccine jabs, and whether you …

And this is not about pros and cons or saying what my opinion is, my opinion to you doesn’t matter. The point is that people are going to get very strongly one way or the other. You might think that masks and vaccines are the answer and they’re fantastic. Likewise, you might think that masks and vaccines are just control and a waste of time.

But the problem is going forward, if you’re the boss, you’ve got to deal with this. You’ve got to deal with staff with different issues. If you’re the employee, you’re going to be happy if you are working with people who are or are not vaccinated, depending on your point of view. If you’re the person walking around town, going to a shop or a cafe, and you’re against vaccines and mass, are you really going to go into town and spend money to go and sit in a cafe, or they may not let you even in the cafe.

So there’s all these issues going on here. Now it’s probably going to get worse for quite a while until everybody sorts out what’s happening.

Most issues disappear when you trade Forex

Now bring that back to trading, and why I want to talk about that is to say, well, trading the Forex market, it gets you around all these issues, doesn’t it? You can work from a laptop. You can work from home. You can work remotely. If you’re in America or Europe where you’re lucky enough to now be able to travel again, that’s fantastic.

You’d have noticed that a couple weeks ago, Paul Tillman, who works with me, he was off in Florida for two weeks. He’s just been up to Philadelphia last weekend. They’re able to travel. A lot of my family over in Europe, they’re all back travelling again. So the Forex market allows you to do all these things, but if you’re here in Australia or here in New Zealand, where you’re kind of more stuck down and we’re still locked down on and can’t do things, can’t move anywhere, the Forex market allows you to continue to work and continue to do well and invest well. And that’s where I see the big benefit of trading the Forex market.

Trader makes +7.5% gain in a day

I wanted to give you an example from one of our clients posted on our forum site just last Friday. He made a massive 7.5% gain in the one day, last Friday, and that was risking just a quarter of 1% per trade, 7.5% gain in a day. He’s posted all the trades for us to look at, for our clients to look at on our forum site. He’s had some great gains and a few losses, but overall, he made with controlled low risk 7.5% in one day.

Now going back to the business owner, going back to the landlord, imagine trying to make 7.5% in a year for some people, especially if you’re looking at rents and rates, or if you’ve got investment properties. You make a 7.5% yield in a year, you’re doing really well. This guy made 7.5% with very low controlled risk in one day. And not only that, he has the skills to do this day after day. Sure, it was a good day, and is it going to happen every day? No, but it shows what can be done.

Are you looking for a good Forex broker?

Now lastly, if you’re out there looking for a good Forex broker, I mention these guys often because they’re good. We get tons of good feedback all the time from people who go to them and try them and really enjoy them, and that’s Blueberry Markets. They’re based over in Australia. They can take clients from pretty much anywhere in the world, unless you’re in the U.S. and a few other countries, but for most other people have a look at Blueberry Markets in Australia if you are interested in changing brokers, or you want to start up with a new broker, a good broker. Highly recommend them, great customer service, really, really good brokers. I’ll put a link to Blueberry Markets on this video and post and podcast.

So I hope that helps. Like I said, going forward, who knows what’s going to happen, but it’s probably going to be pretty tough whichever side of the fence you’re sitting on regarding the whole COVID situation. Who knows how long it’s all going to last for. One thing we do know for sure is that if you know how to trade the Forex market properly, you can make some really good money and achieve a lot and enjoy the comforts of not travelling and/or not having to go to work and choose what you do when you do. It’s a big bonus.

Send me your questions

So I hope that helps. Any questions that you have, email me, reply to this video podcast post if you’re seeing the email. If you’re not, send me an email to [email protected]. If you have any questions you’d like me to cover, any trading topics on future videos and podcasts.

Feel free to share the video and podcast

Let me know. Anybody you think might be interested in this, feel free to share the video and podcast, and I’ll see you this time next week. Bye for now.

Episode Title: #429: Trading in a Covid World, plus a 7.5% Account Gain in a Day

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