Our Daily Trades at 7.5% for the year so far



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#488: What Are Your Trading Goals for 2023

In this video:
00:29 – Superb market conditions
00:48 – Our Daily chart trade suggestions
01:37 – The trades and their results from the last 2 weeks
04:00 – The performance that can be achieved
04:47 – Use this valuable knowledge

We have had an absolute flying start to the year with our daily trade suggestions up 7.5% right now in only a week and a half. Let me explain more about that and how you can achieve results like that right now.

Hey there Forex Traders. Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 488.

Superb market conditions

Well, the market conditions over the last couple of weeks have been absolutely superb. Lots of good trends, lots of moves in the markets and from our point of view, lots of good chart setups on the timeframe charts that we look at, which are mostly the daily charts and the 12 hour chart, 6 hour charts, 4 hour charts, etc..

Our Daily chart trade suggestions

But I want to focus for now just on our daily trade suggestions so that based off the daily charts which we post once a day on our membership site, so all that finances matter where they live in the world can follow along with those trades. Look at the trades, the reasons why we’re taking the trade, the paper, the direction, a paragraph of the reasons why, plus the exact entry and exit levels, which are all taught in the course anyway.

But they just confirm what’s happening and give reassurance to people why they can earn while they learn and I’m making this on Thursday. So we only had three days of the trading week so far this week plus all of last week when we started for the year and already we are up 7.5% gain with only half a percent risk per trade. I want to explain those trades to you.

Our Daily chart trade suggestions

We started off last week with a 1.45% gain we had and we’re training some non forex markets and also a few minor pairs as well because we trade the pattern, not so much what the actual pair is. So let me explain to you the trades that we took last week. These were all there for people to follow and to get the exact same results.

By the way, it doesn’t matter where you live in the world. The US30, the US index, we made a 1.2% gain last week that we then got stop that on the Euro/Singapore. So we lost half of 1%. We had a US/Chinese Yuan, which is quite an unusual pair. Only one position got filled. We made .75 US/Mexican, one position filled we made half of 1% gain and we got to stop that 4% loss on the Nasdaq.

So a 1.45% gain last week. So we take two positions, one at the market, one over a limit order total between the two. I suggest a path of 1%. And that’s what I’m basing these figures on this week. Superb week, only three days completed so far. We are up 6.04% Aussie/US dollar on Monday made 0.9% Aussie/Franc on Monday made 1.12.

They were only on one position as well as a massive reward to risk the Pound/Canadian made a 0.6 gain. The Franc/Singapore had one. Stopped out and the market or stopped out profit target on retracement 4.52 US/Mexican traded that again on Tuesday 0.5% one position. Tuesday Aussie/New Zealand one position 0.8%. And yesterday, Wednesday we took a trade on Lead of all things.

Both positions fill both positions hit profit for 1.6% gain a total in just three days. This week 6.04%, no overall losing trades there at all. So just shows what can be achieved. Don’t forget this is just one timeframe chart. Plus of course we post trades on other timeframe charts. Our forum sites had some fantastic trades ranging from one hour charts through to 12 hour charts, and we have our live weekly webinars as well, where we generally take between about one and five trades depending on the market conditions when we’re on there live.

The performance that can be achieved

So it just shows what can be achieved when the market conditions are good. There’s lots of trades showing and we find that results are fantastic. Reward to risk is excellent. And if you’d like to know how to trade like this and don’t forget the trades that I’ve explained to you here are just trading just once a day. And you know, it takes no time at all to place those trades.

And already you’d be up 7.5% in just a week and a half trading of this year. Now try finding me seven and a half percent in in sort of eight days of trading day somewhere else that you’d find this year. The only thing I can see is seven and a half per cent is the inflation figure that’s going up and up and up. So investment wise, very, very difficult to achieve results like that.

Use this valuable knowledge

So not only are you achieving the results like that, you can then take those same skills and trade that for yourself on other timeframe charts as well, which of course we help our clients with as well. So it’s not just the return, it’s the knowledge base that you are learning that is so vital here.

So if you’d like to find out more details, have a look on this page somewhere. I’ll put a link to our five star coaching course. If you’re watching or listening on YouTube or podcast, don’t forget to like and subscribe so you don’t miss out on videos and podcasts just like this one. So this is Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach.

Let’s hope these are good conditions continue. We know that the strategy works. I’ve been teaching this for coming up 14 years this year. It’s well proven across all markets, across all time frames, across all different market conditions. Come and take advantage of it. If you’d like to make yourself a successful trader, I see this time next week bye for now.

Episode Title: #488: Our Daily Trades at 7.5% for the year so far

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