2023 Trading Year Review



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#531: 2023 Trading Year Review

In this video:
00:30 – A summary of 2023.
01:27 – More traders using MT5.
02:24 – Prop firm trading.
03:13 – Clients in 104 Countries.
03:40 – Have a great Christmas.
04:07 – View our on-demand Masterclass webinar.
04:48 – Blueberry Markets and book a call with us.
05:04 – Looking forward to trading in 2024.
05:18 – Consider joining us now so you can learn the strategy while the market is quiet.

As we come towards the end of 2023. Just wanted to make a bit of a summary video of what we’ve experienced this year. I wish you all fantastic Christmas and an awesome 2024 ahead. Let’s get into that and more right now.

Hey there, Traders! Andrew here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 531.

A summary of 2023.

Outside in the beautiful New Zealand summertime here and just a couple of weeks to go before Christmas.

I hope you’re looking forward to that. Just wanted to give you a bit of a summary of 2023 of how things have gone here at the Forex Trading Coach. We have just had another awesome year, some excellent results, all right. Across various timeframe charts and our daily trade suggestions have been profitable yet again every year since we started it in 2010, they’ve been profitable with just half a percent risk on your trades.

Copying what we do just once a day, literally 5 minutes of work, we’re probably going to end the year about a 30%, 3-0% gain just off that one time frame chart. And then you add on to that all the other time frame charts, we look at. Trades we take on our forum site, trades we take on our live webinars, trades that our clients take themselves and you can see that yet again, we’ve had another really, really good year.

More traders using MT5.

A more and more people changing across to Metatrader 5 from MT4. More timeframes readily built in which is making life easier, just gives more trading options. And of course MT5 has a lot more markets such as the indices, the cryptos, the metals, commodities, etc. built in, which just gives us more and more trading opportunities because all we’re doing really is looking for the high quality trading pattern. The actual market that we’re trading is less important, it’s more the pattern.

And have we got some stop loss protection? We’ve got room to move our profit target. Is it a reversal or is it a continuation, etc.? So again, more markets, more timeframes equals more opportunities to pick high quality trades and then not be kind of where people have that so feeling they should be forced to take a trade. This may be a big quality. No need to do that now because we have so many more trading options.

Prop firm trading.

And so prop firms. Another thing you’d have heard me talking about prop firms all year more and more and my clients are just doing really well from prop firms. It’s a bit of a game changer in all honesty. And if you get a good prop firm, make sure that you have a prop firm that does not have a time limit on when you can make that 10% gain and those prop firms that do have a time limit I’d personally stay away from.

And it’s why that we look at FX2Funding. It’s why we look at The5%ers those kind of people that have been around for some time. They know what they’re doing, there good quality companies and there’s no time restriction on making the gain. You know, whether you make it in a week, you make it in two or three months, it shouldn’t matter. It’s all about keeping within that low drawdown criteria, so that’s the prop firms.

Clients in 104 Countries.

We now have clients in 104 countries and as time goes on. We are 15 years old next year at the Forex Trading Coach, our communities, it grows and grows and just gets better and better. Forum Site is well populated from clients from right around the world. It just makes such an amazing community of like minded people all out there trading the same strategy. So whether you’re a current client or whether you’re just following along with what we do, the strength and weakness each day, or the free information.

Have a great Christmas.

Then I just want to wish you and your family a fantastic Christmas. Just have a great relaxing time. Over Christmas and New Year. We start trading again on the Monday the 15th of January. We’re just taking about three weeks off like it’s summertime. You know, we trade the entire rest of the year apart from a couple of days either side of Easter. We’re not just going to go and enjoy ourselves and have some time away from the charts and the computer

View our on-demand Masterclass webinar.

And we’re still be contactable. If you want to jump on our free masterclass webinar, that’s on demand. So you can do that any stage. If you want to email us, we’re still available and it’s just we’re just taking a trade, a break from active trading for a few weeks and you know, and why not? Let’s for those of us in the southern hemisphere, it’s summertime, it’s Christmas, it’s New Year, it’s summer, Get out and enjoy yourself.

Life’s more than just sitting, watching charts. And it’s great when we can do that, Which is why with our strategy, we say, You can trade full time in under 30 minutes a day because you can, you know, but enjoy your trading and also enjoy the break from it as well.

Blueberry Markets and book a call with us.

If you’re out there looking for a broker, have a look at blueberry markets up a link to them here. And if you want to have a chat with us over the Christmas New Year time, you can do that. You can book a call with myself or one of my team. I would have a bit more flexibility because we’re not, you know, trading too much and and that’s it.

Looking forward to trading in 2024.

So I’ll see you back in 2024. Looking forward to doing it all again, then looking forward to some great trading conditions and making a lot more people profitable and having more and more people join our community. So any questions you have.

Consider joining us now so you can learn the strategy while the market is quiet.

If you struggled in 2023 and you’d like to make 2024 a really good year, then consider coming on board early in the year or even sort of during the Christmas time and have a a few weeks while there’s a bit of quiet time to learn the strategy. Ready to go for 2024.

So once again, have an awesome Christmas and I’ll see you next year. Bye for now.

Episode Title: #531: 2023 Trading Year Review

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